My twins start big school tomorrow. It’s going to be quite a change – the first time in nearly 9 years that I haven’t had a child at home. School days aren’t long, and the school isn’t far. But I i’ll miss them. One of the many lovely things about having twins is the laughing. When you have someone just your size, just on your wave length; someone who thinks bottoms are just as funny as you do, you’re going to laugh a lot of the time. Squabble a lot of the time too mind. I will miss the clamor!
But when they go off tomorrow I will disappear into the quiet of my studio and carry on with my Lost Houses. I managed to complete this one during the holidays, while the children were with their grandparents. It’s a painting of Manor Heath, Halifax. There will be more information about it here soon. I haven’t had a chance to scan it properly yet. It’s quite big – about 75cm square.
I’ve also been working on this one:
Also of Manor Heath, but the back of it this time. It was only demolished in the 50s, but there are surprisingly few photographs of it.