The Hebden Bridge A – Z
I began to engrave in May 2022 with Chris Daunt. I loved it straight away but the only way to get better at anything is to practice. In Hebden Bridge last summer, I gave someone directions to Regent Street and they made a throw away comment about needing a Hebden Bridge A-Z and I thought – why not?! If I have to do 26 blocks, I’ll have to get better. So I set myself some rules: I allowed myself only practice blocks so the cost and the scale didn’t intimidate me (practice blocks come as a set of random shapes in different woods, so I’d have to work with what I had). I wasn’t allowed to repeat a letter – once it was done I had to move on to the next one. Lastly, I didn’t have to tackle the letters in order, and I didn’t have to do an ‘X’ (In the end I cheated and re-did two letters, and decided that there had to be an ‘X’ after all).