Auction for Ukraine


I am auctioning this painting of Shibden Hall on Sunday, with all proceeds going to the DEC (Disasters Emergency Committee – Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal). I know that many artists have been selling their work, much of it on the sunflower theme. I finished this earlier this month and realised it was in the Ukrainian colours. It’s a tenuous link, but I’m sticking to it! Like everyone else, I’m desperate to do something to help.

Evening at Shibden

This little painting is called ‘Evening at Shibden’. In inks, acrylics, watercolour, gouache, gold thread and gold leaf. There’s a great deal of talk locally about the delayed Anne Lister birthday celebrations (she would have been 230 last April) which made me think of an evening gathering at Shibden Hall. The lights from the house spilling out onto the lawn. The sounds of talking and laughing coming from inside. Anne’s library light is on; perhaps she’s escaped up there for some peace and quiet.

You can only see a jpeg here, so can I just add that I’m rather proud of this little painting. It glows!

The painted area is 27 x 27cm. I will have it framed (double mounted, simple pale oak frame) for anyone that bids in the UK. But if I send it overseas it will be safer to send it unframed. I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it! I will liaise with whoever buys it about delivery, and split the cost. I hope that people think this is reasonable.

I will launch the auction on my Facebook page on Saturday morning (19th March) – just add your bid in the comments to the post. The auction will end at 9pm UK time on Sunday evening so please do not bid after this time as it will not be considered!

I know that not everyone is on Facebook, but it’s where I have the greatest reach. If you would like to bid, but not on Facebook, then please just email me and I will add your bid.

I’d be very grateful if you could share this with anyone you think might be interested.

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