Shiney New Studio


When we first moved in to our house, 6 months pregnant with twins and feeling a little green, It suddenly dawned on me what a huge project it was. It’s the kind of house where you strip the woodchip only to find that it’s the only thing holding plaster on the walls. You try to replace a carpet, but find that you need to replace the floor boards first.

Oh! And mushrooms growing through the bathroom ceiling. That was a highlight…

6 years on we have done an awful lot. My studio has, up til now, been the spare room off the play room. It’s meant that Hebden Bridge Open Studios could never be actually in my studio; we had to turn the dining room in to a temporary gallery and hide all the children’s toys. But this last year we have turned this…

oldcourtyardin to this!


Inside is even more beautiful – though i think the spiders and slugs must miss their home.

outbuildingsnew4imagesIt’s wonderful having the space to spread out, and the light to work by. I’m rarely in the house these days. Though i do often have company (only by special invitation).

my helper

Please come and visit for Open Studios this year! July 1st / 2nd / 3rd

Hebden Bridge Open Studios 2016




3 thoughts on “Shiney New Studio

  1. would love to come & visit on your open days& get to see your work in the daylight

  2. Spent our afternoon loving your paintings visiting your studio and pondering hard on which painting to choose. A difficult decision as love your work. Despite differences between Simon, my husband and myself we chose a few and then decided on As the crow flies. It is going to look wonderful over the fireplace in our sitting room thoughSimon is worrying about how to make sure the hook doesn’t bend so will have to research some strong hooks. Loved meeting you and will follow you on your website. With every best wish. Joan and Simon

  3. Discovered you at a gallery in Malvern. Would love to visit your open studio – maybe next year as it’s a long way to come. Please let me know the dates and I will put it in my diary. I love your work.

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