After a three week Christmas extravaganza (my family do like to string it out – I think I had 3 Christmas dinners (all with their own leftovers)) I am back in my studio today with many good intentions for the year ahead!
There has been quite a lot of ‘Art’ happening over Christmas. ‘Papie?’ is the twins new best thing to do on a wet day.
And let’s face it. There have been a lot of wet days…
Daisy gets through a lot of paper. Robin gets through a lot of paint.
For the first time since I moved here, I walked up to Stoodley Pike on Boxing day. I was less than keen on the pitch black walk up the steps inside, but when I got to the top, I met someone I knew. How very Hebden!
I am planning a painting for my Spring solo exhibition at Heart. I am incredibly excited about the exhibition. The colours of my new paintings are going to brighten up the dull days of January and Febuary. I bought some new tubes of paint while I was away over Christmas. A beautiful tube of red to counteract this ‘bottom of the pond green’ that fills the valley now the trees are all bare…