An unexpected painting day


Technical issues held up the laser cutting of my last lantern design today so I had  whole day of painting. Something I haven’t had for weeks and weeks! I’m well on track for the Saltaire Arts Trail and have a big pile of prints all gilded and wrapped.

I am painting a large piece at the moment. It takes up the whole desk and this is just one end of it. It’s a commission for some nice (and very patient) people near Midgely.

Kate Lycett painting
Above Midgely

I painted while listening to After Henry from the Radio 4 archive. It’s felt like quite a decadent day!

2 thoughts on “An unexpected painting day

  1. Your artwork is breathtaking! What other artists have influenced your style and how long did it take for you to develop your own style which I presume is painted with watercolour.. They are so beautiful, and especially the lanterns which I saw first in Homes and Antiques.
    Kind regards,
    a new admirer (and an artist myself, but still developing a personal style)

  2. Thank you Marion!I love Michael Morgan, Schiele, Klimt for their patterns in the landscape. Hundertwasser too. Little design elements come from the strangest places. The lines of stripes came from a carrier bag i saw once. The lines and gold spots in the sky, from droplets of rain on the telephone wires outside my old studio window. They are painted in all sorts of things: Watercolour, gouache, egg tempera, crayon, inks, acrylics. Can I see some of your work? Now you know all my secrets!xx

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