

This is what I’ve been working on for the last 9 months!  Daisy and Robin arrived at the beginning of December.

I think it’s my best work, and i’m afraid won’t be for sale. They’ll be keeping me busy so I wont be painting for a while; though I’m collecting ideas all the time and hope to have an exhibition of new work in 2012

One thought on “Twins

  1. My dear Kate, We bought 2 of your prints from the Calder Gallery yesterday and I just had to drop you a line to tell you how amazing your work is and how we love them so much.
    As a fellow artist I know how nice it is to recieve letters of appreciation… here is mine.
    The prints will look wonderful on our red wall! I am a Calligrapher, Lettering Artist snad Creative Bookbinder…I’m also partially sighted, which is why I think the wonderful bright, vibrant and happy colours appealed to me. I have of course also worked in Gouach and Gold Leaf in my own work.
    Well, I really just wanted to say……thank you and I love your artwork.
    Now….reading your blog a big CONGRATULATIONS to you and your new arrivals! They are gorgeous :o)
    Many blessings,
    Sue x

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